Quest:Freezing the Supply Lines

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Freezing the Supply Lines
Level 85
Type Solo
Starts with White Hand Supplies
Starts at Drû Vádokan
Start Region Wildermore
Map Ref [31.4S, 74.4W]
Ends with Auto-complete
Ends at Drû Vádokan
End Region Wildermore
Quest Group Wildermore: Balewood
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

You have encountered crates of vile tools and disgusting Orc-rations in the White Hand encampment. Without these crucial supplies from Isengard, the Orc-forces of Wildermore would be crippled.

If you were to destroy these supplies, the White Hand's grip on the Balewood would slip greatly.


The White Hand encampment is stocked with crates of supplies from Orthanc and would be crippled if they were to be destroyed.

Objective 1

Crates of White Hand supplies can be found throughout Drû Vádokan in north-west Balewood.

You should destroy crates of the White Hand in an effort to cripple their assaults into Wildermore.

Destroyed supplies in Drû Vádokan (4/4)

Objective 2

  • Completed

You have destroyed many crates of supplies and crippled the White Hand's assault in the Balewood.

You have destroyed many crates of vital supplies and crippled the White Hand's assault in the Balewood. The Orcs of Isengard will now find mounting assaults into Wildermore far more challenging.